Following the Publifin political scandal which led the Flemish daily De Morgen to qualify the Walloon politicians involved as
pure 'Walloon mafia', the Socialist Walloon Minister for Local Authorities, Paul Furlan, had to resign. He was replaced by a pro-BDS politician, Pierre-Yves Dermagne.
In 2016 a Belgian economic delegation was slated to visit Israel. Together with a few other Brussels and Walloon MPs, Pierre-Yves Dermagne asked for the visit to be cancelled. Le Vif reported that a collaborator (himself very anti-Israel) of the Socialist party president Elio Di Rupo had
complained that Dermagne could have expressed his opposition privately and not embarrass the party by going public about it.
Pierre-Yves Dermagne is the son Jean-Marie Dermagne, a rabid anti-Israel lawyer and 'human rights activist' who peddles on his FB account conspirationist theories. He was Dieudonné's lawyer and accuses Israel of being "the master of the world". Jean-Marie Dermagne
re-posted this conspirationist and anti-semitic meme (
see explanation here).
“There are only 9 countries in the world without a Rothschild Central Bank: Russia, China, Iceland, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Hungary. Isn’t it funny that we are always at war with these countries?” |
Another example of Dermagne's hatred of Israel as reported on this blog:
A Belgian delegation headed by a socialist MP Gwenaelle Grovonius was barred from entering Gaza. Obviously it's big news on Belgian media.
This caused an indignant Jean-Marie Dermagne to post the following message on Facebook: "Yet another affront. This justifies the breaking of relations (between Belgium and Israel). Israel is the master of the world".
Jean-Marie Dermargne is a lawyer, a former president of the Bar of Dinant, a member of the Human Rights League, a vice president of the Union of lawyers for democracy (Syndicat des avocats pour la démocratie), director of Sirde /UCL/ LLN (Catholic University of Louvain).
During a debate on Belgian State TV he was presented as Dieudonné's lawyer - at the end of the show, Dieudonné and his wife sent a note refuting the claim and demanding that Dermargne stop saying that he is their lawyer - they named their two official Belgian lawyers. It seems that Dermagne used to be their lawyer but no longer, but he didn't see fit to say so...
In 2009, Jean-Marie Dermagne wrote a pro-Dieudonné article entitled
Does Dieudonné fornicate with the devil? By the way, neither he nor his son the minister is on record condemning Belgian government high level official visits to countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Iran...
74% of the Belgian population feel that their elites have let them down.