
Friday, September 11, 2015

Italy: Municipalities host “Israel – The Cancer” film

It is worth having a look at Samantha Comizzoli's Facebook to see how passionately she hates Israel and Israeli Jews and how passionately she loves Palestinians.

Giulio Meottti writes @ Arutz Sheva 7:

On 17 August, on her Facebook page, Italian filmmaker and activist Samantha Comizzoli wrote: “Israelis should be shot just like that”. In April, she had previously posted: “Have you ever thought of pulling [the fuse on] a bomb? To react in some way to the monster?”.

The mayor of the city of Recanati, Francesco Fiordomo, the city of famed poet Giacomo Leopardi, should have had a look at what Comizzoli says and writes before granting sponsorship to her documentary “Israel - The Cancer”.

The film is clearly explained by the authors: “Israel’s Nazi occupation of Palestine is revealed at its worst: the occupation of the mind. Like a cancer, it is slowly eating the brains of people. This film attempts to explain the suffering of these lives under torture, dividing the film into the  stages of cancer: carcinogenesis - spread of cancer - palliative care - metastasis - euthanasia – end”. 

What she meant by "end" was explained by Comizzoli herself: “I hope that Israel sinks into the Earth and then the hell goes back from where it came from, hell”.

What has prompted this Italian municipality to offer a room in Villa Coloredo Mels (the city's civic museum) for the screening of this film?

Mosaico, the online journal of the Jewish community of Milan, pointed out that “the fact that Samantha Comizzoli organized a screening, with attached debate, for her film ‘Israel - The Cancer’, is not disconcerting news. It is that the project, with Comizzoli’s introductory speech and subsequent debate, took place in Recanati and was presented by the City, with the patronage and the support of the mayor”.

But “Israel – The Cancer” has received patronages, guarantees and licenses from many Italian mayors, most from the left, and from many NGOs linked to the progressive sector of Italian society.

The film was screened in the Lounge of the Flags of the big city of Messina, in Cesena and Pavia it was screened at the site of Arci’s leftist NGO and in many public and municipal theaters, like that of Don Bosco in Lanuvio.

The mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, even gave director Comizzoli and her movie the municipal hall in Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, named after philosopher Tommaso Campanella. The town of Bologna gave her the square where cultural events are held in summer, the Piazza Verdi with the porch, the symbol of university life. In Ravenna, the municipality gave the film the most important park in the city, that of Tondo.

Europe’s municipalities once hosted the screening of “The Eternal Jew”, a movie proudly produced by Joseph Goebbels, in which the Jews are depicted as rats poisoning society. The “suspicion about the Jews,” the phrase coined by philosopher and sociologist Raymond Aron, has now returned to Europe.

The Jewish state and the Jewish people have become an appendix, a foreign entity, a colonial body, something to be removed, “a cancer on the map of the Middle East” as defined by the French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard - awarded with an Oscar for his career.

The Iranian anti-Semitic ayatollahs have built solid bridges connecting themselves to Europe’s chattering classes and municipalities.

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