
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

France: Israel lacks legitimacy says Jewish 'expert' Sophie Bessis

According to her Wikipedia page, Sophie Bessis is an impressive 'expert'.
She is currently Director of Research at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) in Paris [*] and Deputy General Secretary of the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH). She has long taught political economy of development in the political science department of the Sorbonne and the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO). Consultant for Unesco and Unicef, has conducted numerous missions in Africa.
Interestingly, Wikipedia also also states that she comes from a family of the great Tunisian Jewish bourgeoisie.  

Sophie Bessis likes therefore to be known that she is a 'grande bourgeoise' and an expert.  One of her pet subjects is Israel-bashing.  She pontificates about the boycott, she pontificates that Western leaders are paralyzed by the memory of Judeocide perpetrated seventy years in the heart of Europe and refuse to enforce UN resolutions likely to solve the problem and submit to dictates of the Israeli extreme right now in power, and such an injustice is one of the causes of  terrorism etc.  She goes on "fact-finding missions" to Israel and the Palestinian territories - and yet more pontfiication.

On 18 December, Sophie Bessis was one of the guests at the political show C'est dans l'air - the discussion was about ISIS in Libya. She was asked who would benefit from the fragmentation of the Arab world.  Her reply was typical - one of the main beneficiaries would be Israel.

She explained that the more the Arab world is fragmented, the less there are competing powers that can be dangerous to Israel. If the Arab world splits the state of Israel, as a Jewish state, would gain a legitimacy it lacks today. Israel would be one of the big winners.

[*]  IRIS is headed by Pascal Boniface:  
"Pascal Boniface, a Socialist strategist, wrote a study [in April 2001] for his party stressing that there are ten times more Muslims in France than Jews, and suggesting that it should consequently shift to a more pro-Palestinian position."
Pascal Bruckner wrote:
"When the political scientist Pascal Boniface, in a note to the leaders of the Socialist Party in April 2001, advised them, as a matter of simple electoral calculation, to abandon the Jewish vote (500,000 in France) for the Muslim vote (five million), he very honestly spilled the beans." 

No wonder Sophie Bessis works for his outfit.  In spite of all this and of him writing books branding other politcal scientists who do not share his views as intellectual counterfeiters, he keeps being invited by the French media and politicians also think very highly of him.  France being France... this is not really surprising.  And by the way, one of the other guests on the programme was Frédéric Encel, a Jewish political scientist, who was labeled an impostor by Boniface...

More about Boniface (in French).

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