
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Belgium: Universities promote Israel Apartheid Week - among guests Mads Gilbert and Shir Hever

The Israel Apartheid Week is organised in Belgium by the ULB, the St-Louis University (Catholic) and Cathloic University of Louvain, the VUB, and no doubt others.  Details below:

ULB Facebook:

1 MARS: Diffusion d'un film documentaire, auditoire AY2.107 à partir de 20h.

2 MARS : Conférence sur le campus de l'Saint-Louis University, Brussels autour de la question du boycott académique.

 3 MARS : Conférence sur le campus de de l'Université libre de Bruxelles sur le traitement médiatique du conflit Israelo-Palestinien, auditoire UD2.218A à partir de 19h avec notamment Julien Salingue.

7 MARS : Conférence sur le campus de l'Université libre de Bruxelles sur le néo-colonialisme et la possibilité d'une convergence des luttes portant sur la situation aux U.S.A, en Belgique et en Palestine, auditoire UA2.118 à partir de 19h avec notamment Kristian militant de Black4Palestine !

Et n'hésitez pas à aller voir sur le Campus Ucl Alma, nos collègues de Rise Up vous y préparent l'Israeli Apartheid Week, the Rise Up Edition !

Catholic University of Louvain:

Lundi 29/02 à 19h au Roi Baudouin B: Ouverture de l'Israeli Apartheid en beauté avec la projection du documentaire "Roadmap to Apartheid" (évènement coorganisé avec Comac Alma)

Jeudi 03/03 à 19h, dans l'Auditoire Central Lacroix: Vidéoconférence du Pr Mads Gilbert de l'université de Tromso ( sur le thème: "La médecine d'Urgence en zone de guerre, l'expérience d'un homme de terrain"

Vrije Universiteit Brussel -VUB:

Come and join us to this interesting event about the occupation in Palestine!

What are Israel's economic interests of the occupation? What are the effects of the occupation on the Israeli economy? What are the conditions of Palestinian political prisoners under occupation? What can we, as Belgian citizens, do to make an end to this?  Come and join us next Tuesday at VUB! Some Palestinian students will also be present and share with you their experience! For the program, see below!  Our Guest Speakers:

1) Shir HEVER: The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation.  Shir Hever is an Israeli author and economist in the Alternative Information Center, a Palestinian-Israeli organization active in Jerusalem and Beit-Sahour. He researches the economic aspect of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory. Some of his research topics include the international aid to the Palestinians and to Israel, the effects of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories on the Israeli economy, and the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns against Israel.

2) Mohammed KHATIB : Political Prisoners Condition under The Occupation.  Mohammed Khatib is an active member of Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. This is a network of organizers and activists, based in North America, working to raise awareness and build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom. M. Khatib will provide us information about their condition, their demands, and their work for freedom for themselves, their fellow prisoners, and their homeland. He will also highlight some actual cases of political prisoners.

3) Michael DEAS: What is The Solution to The Occupation?  What can we, as Belgian and European citizens, do for more justice? How can we challenge the occupation?  Michael Deas is a European coordinator of the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). He will provide us relevant and practical information about the BDS organisation and all the solutions it offers to make an end to the occupation. 

4) Palestinian students living in Belgium: How is The Life of a Student under Occupation? Some Palestinian students will share with you their experience of living and studying under the Israeli occupation.

Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine-VUB in collaboration with Comac VUB and l'Association Belgo-Palestinienne (ABP)

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