
Friday, December 30, 2016

France: HR France prompts public demonstration against TV station

On December 19, HonestReporting France published a critique of an appallingly biased and inaccurate episode of Enquête Exclusive broadcast on Channel M6 focusing on Jerusalem. 
HR France’s response was published within hours of the broadcast, systematically taking apart the program’s skewed content. This post went viral on Facebook reaching over 70,000 people and garnering 3,000 reactions, comments and shares. A demonstration of some 200 people took place outside the Paris offices of the French TV station on the back of the HR France expose. Both Jews and non-Jews took part indicating support beyond just the Jewish community. HR France’s role received credit in the French edition of The Times of Israel. 
You can see more HR France content here. 
Below is the translation of the HR France post that created such a groundswell.  
The episode of the show Enquête Exclusive broadcast on M6 on December 18 about Jerusalem and presented by Bernard de la Villardiere is full of lies and inaccuracies (to see the documentary on the M6 site, click here). 
  • A historical lie:
The narrator presents the creation of the State of Israel as follows:
In 1947, to calm the tensions, the United Nations separated the region into two and Israel was born. Jordan is ceding one part of its territory, the West Bank, which is supposed to become the future Palestinian state. But in 1967, Israel waged war against its neighbors and annexed the West Bank, it was the beginning of the occupation of the Palestinian territories. 
Given the number of blatant lies it is hard to know where to start:  
1. The West Bank was part of the Mandate on Palestine entrusted to Great Britain by the League of Nations at the San Remo Conference in 1922, with the aim of helping the Jews to “reconstitute their national home in that country.” The West Bank was therefore not ceded by the Kingdom of Jordan to create a Palestinian state. 
2. Israel was not born in 1947, but on 14 May 1948, following the implementation of the Partition Plan of Palestine voted on 29 November 1947. Immediately after its creation, Israel was attacked by neighboring Arab countries, but won the War of Independence. 
3. At the end of the war, the West Bank, which was to become part of the future Arab State created by the Partition Plan of Palestine, was annexed by the Kingdom of Jordan, which did not create a Palestinian state.
  • The deceitful use of maps:
The report presents, using a series of maps dating from 1967 to 2016, the “erosion” of the Palestinian territories in the West Bank, after which the narrator concludes: 
In 70 years the Palestinian territories melted like snow in the sun.
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