
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Spain: Israel performing human 'experiments' in Gaza - newspaper article

Isaac Querub Caro, head of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain, has written a letter of complaint to Ana Pardo de Vera, Director of the mainstream newspaper daily Público, concerning an article by blogger Nazanin Armanian published on the paper's on-line edition. The piece peddles all the lies and distortions about Israel's treatment of Gaza.

Mr Querub points out that the text contains statements that are false, absurd, deplorable, nauseating which turn the article into a genuine libel reminiscent of the Middle Ages when Jews were blamed for macabre rituals and crimes made up to justify their extermination. In this case, the author substitutes "Jew" for "Israel". Nazanin Armanian affirms that Israel exterminates the population of Gaza thus comparing it with the most terrible of the monsters of the twentieth century: Nazism. The writer claims that Israel enforces apartheid politics thus demonstrating that she has no idea of what were predominantly white South Africa's policies. She forgets to mention that Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East where Arabs are integrated and enjoy parliamentary representation.

Público has published the Jewish leader' letter which also asked for the article to be removed, but unsurprisingly it's still there...

Translation with the help of Google of Nazanin Armanian's article titled "Is Israel carrying out a new "experiment" with human beings in Gaza?" (¿Está realizando Israel un nuevo ‘experimento’ con seres humanos en Gaza?) Note that Público was careful to "only" ask the question and to put "experiment" in inverted commas... but the body of the text demonstrates Armanian's thesis very clearly.
Imagine a concentration camp with two million people, with no possibility of leaving. Think of jailers who among other objectives study human behavior in extreme conditions resorting for this purpose to the use of terror, torture and isolation on a daily basis and for a long period of time, to deprivation of food and medicines; the destruction of homes (...); the destruction of the fruits of their very hard work (by perpetrating systematic 'Ecocide' and by uprooting some 2,000,000 fruit trees after beating and murdering dozens of peasant women and men); by preventing them from benefiting from sufficient water and light, from work, from enjoying leisure time, from relaxing by subjecting them to different levels of stress; by throwing tons of bombs, missiles and chemical substances such as white phosphorus, not only to eliminate the remaining population on the ground, but also to analyze the state of shock and the complex feelings of pain and suffering of the survivors when they see the shattered bodies of their children and of their loved ones before their eyes.   
Similar to a macabre Reality Show, these experiments began 10 years ago in Gaza. Israelis have now added a new test: they simulate the Stone Age by cutting electricity from 2.5 to 7 hours a day, to see how blood banks are preserved or how newborns in incubators, cancer patients or patients on dialysis are kept alive; how they will withstand the suffocating heat this summer without fans or keep food without a refrigerator, or how they will purify the water to wash, cook, irrigate their crops, etc. 
read more in Spanish

Spain: El País newspaper's "unapologetic hatred for Israel"

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