

My name is Ora.  I am an Israeli who is concerned about antisemitism in Europe.

I am not connected to any specific pro-Jewish or pro-Israeli group, though I'm happy to cooperate and collaborate with anybody.

I work on this blog with Philo of the Philosémitisme Blog

I am interested in more volunteers to report on local news stories in Europe.  If you can help, or have a specific news story you think would be of interest, you can reach me at at gmail, or comment on this post.

Note on copyright

All translations are the work of the blog writers, unless otherwise credited.

If you copy material off this blog, please credit appropriately:
Name: The New Antisemite Blog


  1. Dear Ora, We are very excited about your work and just sent out an email to our list notifying our readers of your blog. We look forward to reading more. Many thanks for all your effots.
    Harriet and Bill Mohr, Co-Founders: Haiti Jewish Refugee Legacy Project blog (

  2. Hello Ora, I just viewed your Blog, and I'm curious if you want to me to try and help you increase the number of people that see your site. I'm keeping this email short because I don't want to waste either of our times if your uninterested but if you interested just email me back! :)
    Thank You, For taking your time to read this!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
