Europeans are constantly being told that Muslims are radicalised through Internet - this shows that they are also radicalised by preachers who live in Europe or are invited by European Muslim organisations.
The European Jewish Press reports:

Abouzaid El Mokrie El Idrissi [pictured], who is a member of the Party for Justice and Development, is close to the Muslim Brotherhood.
In France, the man had also been banned from participating in a similar event in Lille due to anti-Semitic comments he made.
The city of Charleroi has drafted a decree prohibiting the coming of the controversial preacher by citing the risk of disturbances of the public order.
An article in French weekly magazine Marianne on February 3 cited the decision of the organizers of a Muslim fair in Lille to deprogram Abouzaid El Mokrie El Idrissi at the request of the French government, because of anti-Semitic statements made by this man and reported by Observatory of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood.
This article, as well as exchanges on social media, prompted the city of Charleroi’s authorities to order the ban.
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