Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Europe: Israel has nothing to learn from the EU but the EU is encouraging terrorism in Israel

Via The Jerusalem Post:
Israel can learn from Europe how to battle terrorism, and not only the other way around, according to outgoing EU Ambassador Lars Faaborg-Andersen. 
He told reporters last week at a farewell briefing that “we have a lot to learn from Israel, and Israel has a lot to learn from us.” 
This breathtaking declaration comes amid a wave of terrorist attacks in Europe by sleeper agents of ISIS, which as it is being vanquished on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq has activated its deluded sympathizers on the continent. 
While European governments are scrambling to meet the newest terrorist threat of murder by vehicle, pedestrians throughout the continent are being struck down by lone wolf terrorists who only need to hijack a car or truck and drive it into crowds. Such tactics have reached European shores after being well-established on a much smaller scale in Israel by Hamas and its ilk. (...)
Another important difference is that most of the terrorist attacks perpetrated in Europe are carried out by citizens of their respective countries, while in Israel only a small percentage of attacks – like the recent one at the Temple Mount – are carried out by Israeli Arabs. Most of our terrorist attacks are carried out by Palestinians.
This is why Faaborg-Andersen’s suggestion was so strange. If anything, Europe is still light years away from understanding the true nature of Islamist terrorism, which has for decades mainly victimized Europe’s Jews. 
“In Europe we have adopted a holistic approach to fighting terrorism,” the Danish envoy proudly pontificated, in apparent ignorance of grim reality. (...)

Retired British colonel Richard Kemp, the well-respected former commander of British forces in Afghanistan and a staunch defender of Israel, called Faaborg-Andersen’s statements “chutzpah.” “Not only does Israel have nothing to learn from the EU,” Kemp said, “but the EU is guilty of encouraging terrorism in Israel.” 
He was apparently referring to the EU’s timid kowtowing to the narrative espoused by Abbas, while ignoring the effects of his ongoing incitement of terrorists, whom he reimburses for their “heroic martyrdom” by paying both them and their families millions of dollars in stipends.
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