Thursday, August 17, 2017

France: Anti-Semitic (Jews as cockroaches) political cartoon on popular blog

"... the conspiracy libel supposes that the Jews act as one, in pursuit of goals inimical to the interests of non-Jews..." (Anthony Julius)

Via La Règle du Jeu (François Heilbronn):

This cartoon features on Alain Soral's blog Egalité et Réconciliation.  Alain Soral, who is a friend of Dieudonné, is known for his antisemitism.  Both Soral and Dieudonné are very popular in France.

"France!! beware... the cockroaches are on the go"
President Emmanuel Macron is represented as a cockroach and so are the other "cockroaches" who surround him and who are all Jewish: Jacques Attali (dubbed the "chief cockroach"), Bernard-Henri Levy, Jack Lang, Alain Finkielkraut and Julien Dray. To avoid any doubts about their Jewish origins, Attali is pictured with a Star of David medal pinned on a blue and white striped ribbon evocative of the garb deportees were made to wear.

Finally they all come out of a toilet bearing the initials of the CRIF (an umbrella organization of French Jewish organizations) and the LICRA (an anti-racist organisation targeted by anti-Semites who believe it is run by Jews for the benefit of Jews).  Next to it, stands a "French Republic" toilet with the door closed.

So what's the message?  France must be be watchful because the "cockroaches" are "on the go" (a reference to President Macron's party La République En Marche) and ready to control him.
The cartoonist is the author of this antisemitic drawing