Monday, July 6, 2015

Belgium: Israel-bashing coasters used in cafés

Some coffee shops and bars in Belgium (Leuven and Brussels) are promoting Israel-hatred by using coasters developed by one of the numerous anti-Israel NGOs purporting to help the Palestinian people.  In this case it is  The inscription reads "Visit Palestine while you can".

The following participate in the campaign:
LEUVEN: Hungaria; Kaminsky; Cafe Manger; Café Belge; Cafe de Giraf ; Metafoor; Irish Pub; Cafe 't Vervolg ; STUK cafe; De Fiere Margriet; De Blauwe Kater; De Libertad; Lapaz Cafe; Cafe Commerce: Entrepot
BRUSSELS: Via Via ; Brasserie Royal ; Walvis; Monk; Le Petit Chou ; De Bruxelles; SPRL The Christies; Café De Markten ; Beursschouwburg; Mappa Mundo; De Belmonte; Zebra; Gecko ; Delirium; London; New Ketje ; Arthur's.

We are told that some are state-funded like Café De Markten, which is the Flemish cultural center café.

It is common to use this type of gimmicks to demonize in Israel.  Two spring to mind:

The "Pearl Palestine bracelet" sold by Nordine Saidi, "an educator and people's self-determination. militant", according to journalist Baudouis Loos.  Cost: 5 euros.

The other one comes from the state-funded Association Belgo-Palestinienne Wallonie-Bruxelles, whose "president" is Pierre Galand, Belgian greatest "humanist" and Israel-bashing globe-trotter.  The organisation invites Belgians to promote the boycott of Israel while shopping.

This is how they tout their "boycott" products:

The new bags "Israel occupies Palestine, I boycott" have arrived!
They are sold for the modest sum of € 5 per item and are an essential fashion accessory for the new year! Do your shopping while raising awareness! And as a BONUS: you get the complete kit !! For the same price, you will get the following in your bag:
- Boycott campaign explanatory flyers

- Postcards to be sent to policy-makers and to the head of your supermarket purchasing department
- Postcards listing the goods to be boycotted
- Stickers "I boycott" to be applied on Israeli products [this is pure vandalism, isn't it?]

Do not wait and just buy them at 9 Quai du Commerce, 1000 Bruxelles. For large orders, delivery can be arranged. Call +32 (0) 2 223 07 56 or contact us by mail at the following address