Evelyn Gordon writes @ Commentary:
[...] I’ve written before
about a German study showing that educated elites, rather than the
far-right fringes, are the wellspring of anti-Semitism in that country;
just last month, another study found that the same is true for
anti-Israel sentiment. And the reason for this goes beyond the obvious
fact that anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism are related.
The background to the new German study is a series of polls showing
shocking levels of anti-Israel sentiment among ordinary Germans: For
instance, fully 35 percent “equate
Israeli policies toward the Palestinians with Nazi policies toward the
Jews.” Given the vaunted “special relationship” between Germany and
Israel, such findings raise obvious questions about how so many Germans
developed such warped views.
So a group of German and Israeli researchers decided to analyze
German textbooks to see what exactly German schools are teaching their
students. They examined 1,200 history, geography and social studies
textbooks from five German states, and concluded that these books
portray Israel almost exclusively as a militarist, warmongering society.
Israel’s robust democracy, respect for human rights and other achievements are absent in these books. The illustrations consist
of “tendentious and one-sided photographic presentations” of Israeli
soldiers threatening or inflicting violence on Palestinians.
“Occupation and settlements” are depicted as the main obstacles to
peace; the fact that both Israelis and Palestinians have claims to the
land goes unmentioned, and Palestinian terror gets a free pass – or as
the report puts it, most of the authors “find it difficult to unequivocally call Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians acts of terror.”
In short, it’s not surprising that so many Germans have such negative
views of Israel, because that’s precisely what they are taught in
school. True, the textbooks don’t actually compare Israel to the Nazis,
but the comparison doesn’t require a big leap of logic for graduates of
these schools; after all, to a German, the paradigmatic example of a
militarist, warmongering society is Nazi Germany. So once you tell
students that Israel, too, is a militarist, warmongering society, the
Nazi analogy comes naturally.
But who writes the textbooks that give these pupils such a warped
view of Israel? Hint: It’s not the neo-Nazi skinheads. It’s the liberal
elites. More.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Germany: Textbooks portray Israel as a militarist, warmongering society
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