Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Poland: "We don’t want to kill them, we just don’t want them to have a big influence on the country"

Via The Star:
Instead, blatantly anti-migrant, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic marches have become regular phenomena throughout the country. Many are organized by the National Radical Camp — a party outlawed in 1934 for promoting hatred.

They often resemble military brigades, featuring marching men wearing armbands and waving Polish flags. Their slogan is “Poles for Poland.” One march last year included the burning of an effigy of a Hasidic Jew, and at another last April marchers burned a photo of the town’s mayor wearing a Jewish skull cap. (A march guard commander with the National Radical Camp, Szymon Mailian, says the person who burned both was not a party member. But he would not condemn the act. Asked if his group is anti-Semitic, he responded: “We are not Nazis. We don’t want eugenics. We don’t want to kill them. We just don’t want them to have a big influence on the country.”)

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