Thursday, March 12, 2015

Switzerland: "Antisemitism is deeper rooted in Swiss consciousness than appears at first glance"

h/t Daniel for translation help.

Swiss news-site SRF visited the Wiedikon district in Zurich, which has an Orthodox Jewish community.

They were joined by Thomas Meyer, a local Jewish resident and author.

When they stood next to the Agudas Achim synagogue, a group of men eyed them suspiciously.
Meyer explained to SRF: Whoever stands here with a microphone causes latent distrust.  Because unfortunately, there's a certain paranoia among Jews - which is historically understsandable, but which has now turned into a certain nervousness.  Though after the attacks in Paris and Copenhagen, this nervousness is understandable.

Note that though Meyer is Jewish, he waves away Jewish distrust of strangers standing next to a synagogue.

Meyer: "Antisemitism is deeper rooted in Swiss consciousness than appears at first glance."  He constantly has to argue against conspiracy theories.  "Antisemites make me livid, when I tried to argue against their primitive notions, they tell me; yes, see, there you go again trying to argue yourself out of it like a Jew would. That disgusts me."