Friday, March 6, 2015

UK: School asks kids to justify Palestinian terrorism

Note that the worksheet doesn't bother about the Israeli side of things.  There is only one side and that is the only one the students have to care about.

Luckily, Palestinian groups were upset as well, for their own reasons.  Otherwise I doubt anybody would care.

Last year I reported a similar story about a Swedish textbook which asked students to justify suicide bombers.  That time as well, it was Palestinians who felt the question was Islamophobic and implied all Arabs were terrorists.

The problem with the Jew-hating pro-Palestinians is that they don't realize how racist they are when they justify terrorism against Israelis and Jews.  It's the European Arabs and Palestinians who have to set them straight.

Via BBC (h/t Elder of Ziyon):
The first page of the worksheet states:
"Another example of separatist terrorism is in Israel. Palestinians who live in Israel believe that it is THEIR land which is being occupied by the Israelis. Wars between Israel and Palestinians over this always ended in their defeat and so they have turned to terrorist methods for over 30 years.

"In 1972 Palestinian terrorists held nine Israeli athletes hostage at the Olympic Games in Munich. All of the hostages were killed. Most recently, terrorist have carried out many SUICIDE BOMBINGS on buses and public places. They are respected by their own community as MARTYRS. A solution to this extremism is hard to find."

The other side of the worksheet asks students to complete the follow questions:

Palestinians feel they have the RIGHT to use terrorism against the Israelis.Give TWO reasons why they feel this. Use the information to help you

Describe TWO examples of Palestinian terrorist activities.

A spokesman for the Israeli embassy in London said the homework task was "abhorrent". 
He added: "It is deeply hurtful to Israelis affected by terrorist attacks, a betrayal of Palestinians who stand up against terrorist groups, and above all an educational and moral abuse of the young students themselves."

What the Israeli embassy actually said is "A homework task which asks children to justify Palestinian terrorism is abhorrent".  For some obscure reason the BBC dropped the 'justifying Palestinian terrorism' part.  I guess it didn't fit with their article about Islamophobia.