Sunday, May 30, 2021

Belgium: Flemish public TV - If Jews are "chosen" they should act it, minister with Jewish ancestry might not be objective, Israel only vaccinates Jews


Via Elder of Zion:

This is sort of unreal.

On a Flemish public TV show, which appears to have aired even before the current Gaza war, there are four segments:

The first, with the Bishop of Antwerp defining Judaism and telling Jews what their moral obligations are. Obviously, Palestinians have no such moral imperatives.


Segment 2 shows Meryem Almaci, head of the Green Party, also telling Jews what they need to do in order to gain the approval of enlightened antisemites like her:


Then there is a panel discussion about Sophie Wilmès, Belgium's Foreign Minister, and whether her mother's Jewish background disqualifies her on issues related to Israel. Even though she was brought up Catholic, she has those Jew genes that means that you might not be able to trust her.


Finally, we have a classic blood libel, where Jews are spreading the plague among goyim while they remain secure in their ghettoes.

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