Sunday, November 2, 2014

Op-Ed: "The line is no longer even in view"

Jemma Wayne at the Huffington Post:
There are those who complain that it is not possible to criticize Israel without being labeled an anti-Semite. But here's the thing: irrelevant of the rights and wrongs of the conflict, when 'Israel' and 'Jew' are conflated, a line has been crossed; when signs pronouncing 'Hitler Was Right' accompany marches, a line has been crossed; when placards shout 'Hamas Hamas, Jews to Gas', the line is no longer even in view; and when both informed and less informed pundits assert over dinner conversation that Gaza is like a concentration camp, they are taking part in the willful denigration of the Holocaust, negating it in an attempt to remove the stigma, making a false equation, and justifying Jew-hatred.

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