Friday, January 9, 2015

France: Terrorists kill 2, take Jewish shoppers hostage

A hostage crisis is unfolding at a kosher shop store in Vincennes, east of Paris. An armed intruder, reportedly involved in the shooting of a policewoman on Thursday, is understood to be the perpetrator

Six hostages taken at Jewish store in Paris; one person wounded; street cordoned off by police.

Jewish Community reports up to 16 hostages.

Asks to pray for the following: Mordehai ben Sarah, Yosseph Sibony, Dominique bat Sarah, Yohan Cohen, Sarah bat Louna, Noa bat Sarah, Zari bat Suzanne, Sophie Malka bat Noel, Esther bat Bnina, Nina Noemie bat Joëlle, Sandy Charabi bat Brigitte, Sandrine Esther bat Blanche

Hostages include women and children.  In addition there are two dead.

Terrorist demands release of Charlie Hebdo terrorists.

Terrorists in shop: Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly.

(post is updated as story develops)