Friday, March 18, 2016

Sweden: Sweden Democrats politician denies Jews were murdered in Auschwitz

Via Lokal Tidningen Alvesta:

Lennart Johansson is a member of the city council in Alvesta for the Sweden Democrats.

At a recent meeting, discussion turned to Auschwitz.  Thomas Hedevik (Social Democrats) spoke of a Jewish woman who had a number tattooed on her arm in Auschwitz.  In response, Johannson said that the victims in Auschwitz weren't Jews, they were Polish patriots. 

"Who died in Auschwitz?  Polish patriotic heroes.  I know that.  They died because they wanted to defend Poland from foreign fascist invaders.  That's how it was in Auschwitz.  I read in Polish encyclopedias that it was so.  I lived in Poland."

Hedevik responded that Johansson is a revisions of history.

Ironically, a similar sentiment was expressed a year ago by an anti-Sweden Democrat journalist.

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