Wednesday, January 1, 2014

SWC: Dutch case illustrates 'Hitler as a Hero' slur

From the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Top 10 List of Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel slurs for 2013:

Hitler as a Hero:
Dutch social worker, Mehmet Sahin, a Moslem, was asked to interview troubled youth from his community on national TV. 
What followed were shocking statements from the Dutch Muslim teens, including, “What Hitler did to the Jews is fine with me,” said one. “Hitler should have killed all the Jews,” smirked another. (see photo below) 
Mehmet vowed to do all in his power to dissuade the youngsters from their hate. His neighbors however were furious that he challenged the youngsters for praising Hitler. Threats ensued, forcing him and his family to be relocated by Dutch authorities to a tin village. 

More: Top Ten list (PDF)