Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Netherlands: Jews hire bodyguards after getting death threats, remove mezuzahs from door posts

At least 15-20 prominent Dutch Jews have hired bodyguards after being threatened and terrorized.

Roland Kahn, a businessman, says that not only had he been called "dirty Jew" and received death threats, but his shops are also targeted and he was threatened they'll be set on fire. His daughter in America also received threats, as well as his girlfriend, who's of Muslim origin.  A number of his Moroccan employees were threatened by their fellow Moroccans because they work for him and support him.

A source familiar with security in the Jewish community says that Jewish families have removed the mezuzah from their doorposts, to avoid being targeted.  In Amsterdam-South, cars were vandalized with swastikas.  Thousands of Jews have experience antisemitism in thier neighborhoods.

More: De Telegraaf