Monday, July 14, 2014

Sweden: "Muhammad's murder set Gaza on fire"

Swedish paper SvD Nyheter headlined it's article on the current Gaza hostilities: "Muhammad's murder set Gaza on fire".

The article, written by Swedish journalist Catrin Ormestad, explains to Swedes that there is only one party to blame.  Israel.

Ormestad happens to be the partner of extreme-leftist Israeli journalist Gideon Levy.

The article's sub-heading explains that there are "bombs over Gaza and rockets against Israel".  Cause and effect.

It all started when three Israeli teenagers were abducted and their bodies were later found.  Ormestad has no idea who could possibly be responsible, so she doesn't mention it.  But she does know who murdered Muhammed Abu Khudair.  Extremist Jews.

After a long interview with Muhammed Abu Khudair's father, the article then remembers to mention that Gazan terrorists have shot 13,000 rockets at Israel since 2001.