Monday, November 3, 2014

UK: Newspaper tells Jews what they are allowed to do according to Jewish law

CiF Watch calls out The Telegraph for using the language of Palestinian inciters by saying that "Jews storm the Temple Mount".

The Telegraph then changed its headline from "Jewish protesters attempt to storm al-Aqsa Mosque" to "Jewish protesters provoke authorities at a-Aqsa Mosque".

We don't want protesters provoking authorities!!

But I thought there were two other problems with the headline and sub-heading below it.

First of all, Jews did not enter al-Aqsa mosque.  They entered (or tried to enter) the Temple Mount or Haram al-Sharif, if you prefer the Arabic name.  The Palestinian/Muslim attempt in recent years to rename the entire structure "Al-Aqsa" is just that - an attempt by Palestinians to rewrite history and reality.

Apparently, British newspapers have no problem with that.

But then we come to the weirder part of the heading.  The Telegraph explains to us that this site is a "holy to both Muslims and Jews, but where Jews are not allowed to pray".

In other words.  The Jews who "provoked authorities" not only made a nuisance of themselves, they were bad Jews.

Or did I read that incorrectly?

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