Tuesday, January 13, 2015

UK: BBC journalist's views on Jews are the standard opinions of many in Europe

Background: "Palestinians suffered hugely at Jewish hands," says BBC journalist 

People are demanding that the BBC fire Wilcox. I disagree for two reasons. First you do not respond to an attack on a newspaper by firing journalists.

More important, Wilcox is not some isolated and aberrant racist; his views are the standard opinions of the European left middle class. I meet them every day in my political neighbourhood. They are the result of ignorance rather than malice. (Although I find that in time a dark alchemy can transform ignorance into malice.) 

Wilcox like so many others does not understand that anti-Semitism is not a rational, if regrettably bloody, critique of Israeli foreign policy but an insane conspiracy theory that has captured the minds of millions of fanatics, moved whole nations and led to uncountable deaths. I wonder how many more bombs it will take to blow these people out of their folly. In my bleaker moments, I suspect they will take it to their graves.

More: The Spectator

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