Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Romania: Jewish businessman says he's victim of anti-Semitic and political smear campaign

46-year-old Elan Schwartzenberg, who grew up in an Jewish family of doctors, lived in Romania until last year before moving to Israel and Monaco.He was once married to Romanian tv star Mihaela Radulescu.


"In 2012, Romania experienced several political changes and in only 12 months I became a real enemy for almost every politician in the country and especially for those in power today,’’ he told the European Jewish Press in Tel Aviv.

Having a long and public history of fighting anti-Semitism in his country, Schwartzenberg opposed a Member of the European Parliament notorious for his anti-Semitic and xenophobic views,Corneliu Vadim Tudor, and Dan Sova, a Minister in the Romanian government who made statements denyingthat ‘’Jews suffered at the hands of Romanians during the Holocaust’’ while historical evidence shows that Romanians killed tens of thousands of Jews, most notably in the city Iasi from where Schwartzenberg’s family comes from.

‘’Behind closed doors they promised to destroy me’’, says Schwartzenberg who lost control of his tv station in 2012 ‘’when the politicians and the ruling PSD (Social-Democrat) party decided they had enough of me’’ after Realitatea went into volontary insolvency in October 2011.

‘’My nightmare is based on 50% anti-Semitism and the other half being a pure political dirty fight for control on the TV station and financial interests in view of the November general elections in the country,’’ he says.

More: European Jewish Press