Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UK: Anglican priest says Britain offered Jews a state because it relied on Jewish bankers

Stephen Sizer is an Anglican priest.  In the past he was accused of antisemitism after he linked on his blog to Holocaust denial and Zionist conspiracy theories.  In October he accepted that his online actions had offended the Jewish community and acknowledged he should have "taken more care" and "reflected on the choice of words more carefully".

He was recently interviewed by Iraqui Aletejah TV, where he does not "take more care" at all.  In fact, he does not sound at all like he thinks he should be more careful in anything.  He says he was only accused of antisemitism because he dared criticize Israel.

I listened to it all, because I suffer for this blog.

1. Christian Zionism is a one-sided, racist theology.  That same American racism can be seen in the destruction of the North American Indians, slavery and later the discrimination against Blacks.

2. Christians supported Zionism and the Jewish people as part of European colonialism and antisemitism.

3. Jews wanted a homeland because they were persecuted, and so they wanted to go 'somewhere'

4. To the question: Was Herzl inspired by Nazi Germany, having a country for just one race, Sizer answers: Britain offered Zionists the Balfour declaration since they were afraid Germany would beat them to it.  That's because both countries needed war financing and were relying on the Jewish bankers (Rothschilds etc). 

Sizer later says that the Bible says the land should be shared on the basis of faith, not race.  That is, Israel is indeed racist and inspired by Nazi Germany.

5. The blue lines on the Israeli flag represent the Nile and the Euphrates, which Israel intends to conquer.

6. Zionism is an atheist ideology, but it's also a fundamentalist religious theology.  That is why Jerusalem is so central to Israel, and why "many Zionists" believe the Temple must be rebuilt.

7. Sizer says he questions Israel's right to exist as a state within its current borders.  He denies that's antisemitism, because Israel itself hasn't defined its borders.

He later says that antisemitism is racism, and that's a sin, so he cannot possibly be antisemitic.

8. Zionists like Begin and Shamir renamed settlements after Biblical place-names.

9. The (Christian?) Zionist Lobby is losing ground in Europe, and so they turn elsewhere in the world.  They co-opted the Black movement in Africa, though the Blacks have more in common with the Palestinians.  They're also trying to make inroads in China, Far-East, wherever there are tensions with Muslims, the Zionists show up and say "this is the reasons for your tensions".  

In Europe the Zionist Lobby targets politicians.  When clergy try to support the Palestinians, they are silenced with accusations of antisemitism.

10. Palestinians suffer in 'Bantustans' and 'ghettos'.   Whoever sees their suffering cannot possibly support the Israeli side.

11. Calling criticism of Israel 'antisemitism', just because Israel is made up of Jewish people 'dilutes' antisemitism.  "Real" antisemitism is later ignored.  But in any case, Islamophobia is a greater threat than antisemitism in the UK, but it's tolerated far more than a 'hint' of antisemitism.