All attendees are pretty marginal and well known for what they are: Israel-haters, conspiracy theorists, 9/11 truthers, nutjobs and Holocaust deniers. The only exception being Isabelle Praile the attendee from Belgium who is a convert to Shiism and a high-ranking member of the Council of Muslims in Belgium. She is a frequent guest in the media, as her biography on the conference blog indicates (more here, here and here):
"Since 2014 Membre of the General Assembly of the Executif Muslim of Belgium intervener in Belgian media on issues related to Muslims
2008-2014 Vice-chairman of the Executif Muslim of Belgium
2005-2014 Membre of the General Assembly of the Executif Muslim of Belgium [...]".
2005-2014 Membre of the General Assembly of the Executif Muslim of Belgium [...]".
Typically Isabelle Praile's presentation was about "the Israeli lobby in Belgium"... Well, at a conference "aimed at exposing Zionist control of– well, just about everything", what could she be expected to talk about?