Michael Portillo, a BBC journalist and former Conservative politicians, compared Hamas and Taliban terrorists to the "Zionist terrorists who formed the State of Israel", on the BBC Radio 4 programme ‘Moral Maze’ (via
BBC Watch). Luckily, Islamic State did 'terrible things' which sets them apart from those hateful Zionists.
“So you wouldn’t say then that the terrible things they’ve [ISIS] done – Michael Buerk listed some of them at the beginning – you wouldn’t say that that uniquely sets them apart, let’s say from Zionist terrorists…eh….who formed the State of Israel, Hamas with whom we want Israel now to speak, the Taliban with whom we have all spoken – so it doesn’t set them apart?”
“But might it also be an interesting paradox that as we come under such pressure from Islamic State that we’ll want to settle whatever we can in the region, so actually we’ll probably be pressuring Israelis to talk to the formerly demonised Hamas?” [emphasis added]