Wednesday, October 15, 2014

UK: Journalist says "anti-Semitism" laws forbid honest discussion of Jewish 'political money'

Alastair Sloan, writer for The Guardian, The Independent, The Evening Standard and the Huffington Post - believes in the Jewish cabal protected by "anti-Semitism" laws.

He recently wrote as follows in the Middle East Monitor (via Elder of Ziyon):

[W]e are ignoring the bigger problem. The crux of bringing the Israeli hawks to heel isn't so much about corporate investments – it's about political money, dripping from the campaign coffers of Western politicians bribed and briefed by Jerusalem cronies. 
The funding is mysterious, ambiguous and seemingly unimpeachable, protected by anti-Semitism laws which forbid honest discussion of it, or by hasbara attack dogs who discredit any journalist or academic who speaks out.