Friday, October 17, 2014

France: French loathed Sarkozy because of his Jewish origins, says former FM

Source: "Tout sauf Sarkozy" blog
"What does he represent?
The axis of hatred."
Bernard Kouchner, whose own father was Jewish, calls France ‘a racist country’

Bernard Kouchner, the previous foreign minister of France, said that former president Nicolas Sarkozy was widely disliked because of his Jewish origins. Kouchner made the assertion during an interview Tuesday for RMC radio in responding to the interviewer’s question about Kouchner’s observations about Sarkozy in Kouchner’s newly published book, “Crossed Memories.”

In the book, which was published last month, Kouchner wrote: “Nicolas Sarkozy wasn’t cherished; he was detested also because he was the son of a Hungarian and the grandson of a Jew.”

More: Times of Israel
Poster issued by French young socialists: Sarkozy doing the Nazi salute.
Betraying France: Sarkozy urinating on General de Gaulle's tomb.