Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Belgium: pro-Hamas anti-Israel Koweiti preacher to speak at Muslim Fair in Brussels

Capitale reports that Koweit preacher Tareq Al-Suwaidan  is scheduled to speak at the third Muslim Fair organised by the League of Muslim Leaders to be held in Brussels in November. It is estimated that there are a million Muslims in Belgium.

Wikipedia has this on him:
"In May 2007, Al-Suwaidan was listed by U.S. federal prosecutors, along with a group of U.S. Muslim Brotherhood members, as an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism financing case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development which was convicted along with its leaders of financing Hamas. A Federal court subsequently ruled that the list of unindicted co-conspirators should not have been released to the public.
In an April 2012 interview for Al-Quds, a TV station affiliated with Hamas, he claimed that since politicians were controlled by money and the media which are controlled by the Jews, only "armed resistance" and not Western aid or Western popular sympathy could change the situation in Palestine and Jerusalem. He also said in the interview that the most dangerous thing facing Muslims is the Jews calling them "the greatest enemy."  Al-Suwaidan subsequently denied charges of anti-semitism stating "We are not against the Jews, let this be very clear." He alleged that the comments were based on a report by MEMRI which he called a "Zionist organization." 
In a sermon to Hamas which was later posted on the internet on July 14, 2014 (as translated by MEMRI), Al-Suwaidan described Israel as "a deviant country...[that] is destined to be eradicated in its entirety," explaining that "We do not demand a ceasefire. Rather, we demand that the rockets continue to be launched until they bow before us." Al-Suwaidan further stated that:
"All the mothers of the Islamic nation – not only Palestinian mothers – should suckle their babies on the hatred of the sons of Zion. We hate them. They are our enemies. We should instill this in the souls of our children, until a new generation arises and wipes them off the face of the earth...Each and every one of us, when leaving this hall, should be contemplating a plan how to wipe out Israel.""
Via: Belgium Stands with Israel and Europe-Israël