Monday, January 25, 2016

Europe: 40% of European citizens hold anti-Semitic attitudes

Via i24News:
The Israeli government's 2015 Report on Anti-Semitism, presented by education minister Naftali Bennett in a cabinet meeting on Sunday, revealed alarming increases in anti-Semitic attacks and attitudes in Europe.

The report, published three days before International Holocaust Remembrance Day, found that 40% of European citizens hold anti-Semitic attitudes, and detailed a sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the EU, particularly in France and Britain.

France saw an alarming 84 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents between January and May 2015, according to published data.

Britain also reported that anti-Semitic incidents reached peak levels in 2014 and 2015, increasing by 53 percent.

More than half of French Jews are considering emigrating from the country, according to the report.

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