Friday, May 6, 2016

Germany: Turkish extremists censor book hinting on ties to Hamas

A book by young female Muslim Sineb El Masrar was censored by German authorities. The book titled "Emancipation in Islam" deals with sexuality, partnership of female Muslims and is also highly critical of Islamic organisations in Germany. Milli Görüs (National Vision) is an Anti-Semitic Turkish extremist movement operating in Turkey and Europe. The Turkish jihadist charity IHH (Humanitarian Relief Foundation), which is known for its rude Anti-Semitism and ties to global Jihad has strong ties to Milli Görüs.

In her book El Masrar hints to the ban of IHH in Germany by the then secretary of interior. IHH was banned in Germany as a major flow of money from Germany to Hamas-organisations was funneled by the German branch of IHH. According to an article in Die Welt the German branch of IHH was consisted of senior members of the German branch of Milli Görüs (IGMG). This content was censored in Germany, the relevant phrases were blackened. The lawyer acting on behalf of Milli Görürs is the same one suing German satirist Jan Böhmermann for insulting Erdogan.

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