Monday, April 18, 2016

France: Muslim student obsessed with Jews and Israel chosen to interview Pres. Hollande on TV

French Président François Hollande "was interviewed by journalists and four citizens from varied professional and political backgrounds"  during a "prime-time France2 TV program".

France 2 explained that the four citizens had been carefully selected for their commitment and their ability to represent civil society and to voice citizens' concerns. 

Marwen Belkaid, presented as a typical French student, was one of the "representative" citizens. A five-minute Internet search revealed that M. Belkaid holds some strange - but common - views about Jews, Zionists and Israel.


He doesn't think that Amedy Coulibaly, the Hyper Cacher supermarket hostage-taker and killer, was antisemitic.  He writes that if Coulibaly had wanted to kill the shoppers because they were Jews he would have killed them all - no question about that.

Marwen Belkaid supports BDS and is obsessed by Jews and Israel.

He makes the equivalence between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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