Thursday, April 28, 2016

Germany: Left-wing politician called a Mossad agent for speaking out against antisemitism

On Saturday, thousands of people marched in Hannover against a proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal.

BZ Berlin reports that Diether Dehm, MP for the Left Party, posted about the demo on his Facebook, adding "We'll see what the press gives us, and whether the Mossad-Dickwurz would call it a 'Nazi demo' again."

Dickwurz (mangold) is a reference to the environmentalist politician Jutta Ditfurth. 

It is a play on words for "dick" (fat) and "wurz" (wutz = pig).  Dehm is calling Ditfurth a fat pig who collaborate with the Mossad (ie, the Jews)

The meaning is clear, though Dehm can claim that he said no such thing.

Ditfurth is an activist against antisemitism on the left-wing. She recently spoke out against antisemitic slogans on the May 1st parade, and for her efforts was met with a barrage of criticism from left-wing activists.

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