Friday, April 22, 2016

Hungary: One third of Hungarians are anti-Semitic

Via Hungarian Free Press:
A poll commissioned by Hungary’s Action and Defense Foundation (Tett és Védelem Alapítvány – TEV), discovered that a third of all Hungarians and a staggering 41% of all Fidesz supporters hold anti-Semitic views. 

The poll was conducted by Medián, one of Hungary’s most prominent polling and research firms. The organization’s director, Endre Hann, presented the findings: 23% of adult Hungarians hold “strongly anti-Semitic” views, while an additional 12% are “moderately anti-Semitic.”

When explored from the perspective of party supporters, 59% of Jobbik voters or sympathizers gravitate to antisemitism, while 41% of those who identify with Fidesz are anti-Semitic.

The proportion of anti-Semites among Hungarians who vote for left-centre opposition parties is lower, but still at a level that gives cause for concern: among sympathizers of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP), 24% were found to hold antisemitic views. This proportion is somewhat lower among those who gravitate to the Democratic Coalition (DK) and the Politics Can Be Different green party (LMP). In both case, the proportion stands at 18%.

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