Here’s what Vasara Hammer has to say about this punk reporter:
The article is a textbook example of how the journalists twist the truth to suit their agenda.
1. In the beginning, state the comfortable facts, omit the uncomfortable ones. Don’t go overboard yet.
2. In the end, introduce the big lie. Don’t say it yourself, quote a local professional propagandist. Make him (or her in this case) look like a perfect representative of a persecuted minority (though she happens to be the mayor of Bethlehem and has Arafat and Abbas pictures hanging on the wall).
3. Don’t introduce any background, let the readers believe the big lie. It’s the Jews’ fault.One of the central themes in the tawdry piece was insistence that the depletion of the Christian population in Bethlehem was solely due to Israel’s defensive security fence/wall (and other security measure) that snakes through the many areas of Bethlehem. Hey, they even got an Arab Lutheran pastor to state it, so it’s got to be true!
More: Tundra Tabloids