Thursday, December 18, 2014

Norway: Journalists lump Israel with Taliban, Boko Haram, Syria

via MIFF:

On Tuesday the Taliban attacked a school in Peshawar, executing 132 children and 9 staff members.

Aftenposten's journalists Reidun J. Samuelsen and Tor Arne Andreassen put things in context for the Norwegian reader by discussing other child-murderers who cynically use children as part of their warfare strategy: Boko Haram, Syria and Israel.

"In Nigeria terrorists from Boko Haram attack schools and kidnap children.  In Syria, around 11,000 children were killed during the civil war.  In the last Gaza war, more than 450 Palestinian children were killed, more than the two previous Gaza wars together. 
We see a trend where children are increasingly and cynically being used in warfare. Direct attacks against children creates fear among adults too, says Tove R. Wang, General Secretary of Redd Barna (Save the Children)."

Note that Israel is not directly mentioned.  They might be talking about Hamas.  Right?