Friday, December 19, 2014

France: "Obscene" proposal made to the Jewish community

The Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) has described as "obscene" the proposal by the Fimalac Group to offer profits generated by Dieudonné's nationwide tour titled "The Impure Beast" to anti racist organizations.

CRIF argues that we are faced with a "financial issue".  The issue is to stop he spread of hatemongering by Dieudonné which violates public morals.

Roger Cukierman, President of the CRIF, issued a statement declaring that it would be obscene if anti racist organizations were to receive funds generated by Dieudonné's tour who is a repeat offender convicted of incitement to racial hatred and whose place is not in entertainment halls subsidised by the government.

The anti-Semitic comedian asked on Friday for a meeting with Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, the interministerial delegate to the fight against racism and anti-Semitism Gilles Clavreul and representatives of the Jewish community in order to reach an "agreement". Neither the authorities nor the CRIF have so far ruled on the answer to be given to Mr Dieudonné.

More: Le Monde Juif