Sunday, December 28, 2014

Israel: Technion University 'Ignores' Swastika Scrawled on Campus

The Zionist student group Im Tirtzu has complained to Technion University after a swastika was found on a sign at the Haifa-based university this Sunday, demanding that the university's president condemn the incident and take steps against those behind it.

In the letter to university president Prof. Peretz Lavie, the group wrote "there aren't enough words to describe our deep shock as students of the Technion and citizens of the state of Israel."


Technion issued a response to the incident early in the week, saying "we express disgust from the act and denounce it unanimously. We emphasize that the Technion is a leading apolitical academic institution, which is an example of coexistence and accepting the other."

"The Technion campus is open and accessible to the public and thousands of people pass through every day. The vandalism was immediately removed," concluded the Technion statement.

However, Matan Peleg, CEO of the Im Tirtzu movement, said "the Technion for many months is trying to ignore at any price the rising phenomena of hatred by Arab students towards Jewish students and the state of Israel."

"This kind of ignoring doesn't just make the problem worse and strengthen it, but leaves the coexistence in Haifa as an empty term," continued Peleg.

More: Arutz 7