Monday, December 1, 2014

Croatia: Anti-Israel Palestinian-propaganda movie co-opts Anne Frank

Co-opting Anne Frank for political purposes and trivialising the Holocaust is what Jakov and Dominik Sedlar, two Croatian film-directors did. The film is produced by Branko Lustig. Aussie Dave is (rightly) shocked:

We are already used to the Israel haters co-opting Anne Frank for their propaganda, but seeing this still shocked me.

The publicity material:
Now, 70 years since the Frank family were discovered in hiding, What Does Anne Frank Mean Today? is a fascinating look at Anne Frank’s life and diary and how the words and thoughts of this exceptional young woman in hiding have relevance in today’s world. Shot entirely on location amidst the turmoil of Gaza, Ramallah, Jaffa and Kosovo, the film takes a modern look at how relevant her thoughts and dreams are for young people in these regions today through conversations with ordinary Palestinian youths who talk about love, their first kiss and other subjects covered in Frank’s diary. Sedlar faced many challenges shooting during the most recent conflicts in Gaza, trying to shoot scenes in between bombings and was witness to horrific images of war. The film will have six young Palestinian actresses portraying Anne Frank between the ages of 12 and 14 and Sedlar hopes that the film being done in Arabic (with English subtitles) will ‘open some eyes.’ ‘We must not repeat history,’ Sedlar adamantly vows. 

I am truly saddened some of those who say ‘Never Again’ are helping the cause of those who want ‘Again.’

More: Israelly Cool

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