Friday, December 5, 2014

Norway: It's anti-Israel propaganda time! (for kids)

Supernytt is a program for children ages 8-12yo on SuperNRK, NRK's site for children.

Their program Dec. 4th featured Jana Tamimi, a Palestinian girl who speaks "truth to power".  A role-model for all little Norwegian kids.

NRK did not bother telling the young viewers that Tamimi's friends and neighbors regularly go out to throw stones at Israeli soldiers.  

The segment only showed Tamimi's side of the conflict, in which she blames Israelis/Jews for trying to kill her.  Did anybody ever try to kill her?  We don't know, because the brave journalists at NRK did not think it was a question worth asking.

They took from us the right to live, and swim in the sea

Tamimi also complains that she can't swim in the sea, because of those horrible Jews.  Now, if NRK would have bothered looking at a map, they would have discovered that between "Palestine" and "the sea" there's a little country called Israel.  Does NRK think we should get rid of that country, just so little Jana can swim in the sea?   What other solution does NRK propose?  How about Norway open its doors to all Afghans, so they can swim in the sea too?

I want to live without them shooting at us and driving over us
NRK wants us to believe that Jana and her friends are under threat of genocide, but the segment clearly shows that little Jana is not afraid of Israeli soldiers.   She is not 'risking her life' by filming or by appearing on TV.  In fact, if she wanted to really speak 'truth to power', she could talk about life under PA corruption.  But that is really scary and life-threatening.

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