Via the Local:
A man from east Styria has appeared in court for a third time on charges of incitement and for neo-Nazi offences. He received a 20 month conditional sentence and must serve three months in prison.
The 38-year-old father confessed in the Graz regional court to making donations to a neo-Nazi website.
Prosecutor Johannes Winklhofer told the accused that he had previously lied in court, in 2011. “You said that you would have nothing more to do with this scene but it was not true, you made contributions to this website and were also registered on it.”
The website hosted different forums as well as selling Nazi memorabilia. The Styrian registered with the name “NS friend” and was active on the site between April 2009 and June 2012.
He was charged with denying that the holocaust happened and inciting hate against Muslims, who he wrote, needed to be “singled out and exterminated". He signed his online postings with “Greetings 88”, or “Thanks 88” (88 stands for Heil Hitler).
He said that his role models were Rudolf Hess and Adolf Hitler. He made a donation of €120 to the site's managers and so became a “supporting member” with access to special forums. more