Tuesday, August 25, 2015

France: Village café owner accuses Judeo-nazism and Israel of being terrorist state

Daphne Anson reports that Reiner Hickman a German cafe owner in Eguisheim, Alsace, (a village with less than 2,000 inhabitants), promotes BDS.

Off the menu at his cafe are these products:
"The following products are no longer sold in this café because of the support their
producers extend to the terrorist state of Israel, considering the atrocities perpetrated
against the Palestinian people: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Perrier "

Not everybody is happy.

Here are the proprietor's latest posts on Facebook:

As you can see from the above, there's nothing, absolutely nothing, to link this doughty adherent of the BDS movement to antisemitism.  Linking BDS to antisemitism is all a Zionist slur, innit.

(Hat tip: Jean Vercors)