Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Spain: Public radio explains that Jews are Satanists

Via Ygal PalmorXavier Yearson: and Joseba Louzao:

The year is 2015: Spanish public radio broadcasts a series of lectures explaining how the Jews have propagated the cult of Lucifer. The year is 2015 and the place is Spain, European Union.


Luis García Chapinal: From Hell - The Jewish people propagate of the cult of Satan - 07/25/15
"The Jews have created the Freemasonry, are its occult leaders and have introduced  the worship of Lucifer in some Freemasonery organizations. There are revelations in the Kabbalah which open proscribed doors. Some Kabbalists observe that the Torah should be read backwards so that unfathomable mysteries are revealed. Through tree spheres, man can become "the unique one". Satanic spells are obtained by the inverstion of the seventy-two combinations of letters.  The dark side of the sefirot leads to dreadful tunnels, where darkness reigns in perpetuity."

Original text in Spanish:

Desde el infierno - El pueblo judío: propagador del culto a Satán - 25/07/15

"Los judíos fundadores y dirigentes ocultos de la masonería introdujeron en algunas organizaciones francmasónicas el culto a Lucifer. En la cábala se manejan revelaciones que abren puertas prohibidas. Algunos cabalistas observan que se debe leer la Torá al revés, encontrándose misterios insondables. A través de las esferas del árbol, el hombre se puede convertir en “el único”. Al invertir las setenta y dos combinaciones de letras se están pronunciando conjuros satánicos. La parte sombría de las sefirot nos conduce a túneles espantosos, donde la oscuridad reina de forma inextinguible."