Thursday, August 13, 2015

UK: Nazis to march against Zionism (and Jews)

Note that they're anti-ZOG, not antisemites at all!!

Via the Jewish Press:
Jews in Liverpool are bracing themselves to face a nasty round of ugly neo-Nazi hate with the ‘White Man March’ held on the Sabbath, courtesy of British law.

In fact, neo-Nazis all over the Twitterverse are salivating over the upcoming event. As the organizers themselves explained in a tweet:

    White Man March UK @WhiteManMarchUK – Jun 6
    We do not stand to oppose the colour of a man’s skin, we stand to oppose a sick Jewish ideological system @SmashCM79

Previous similar marches have been held as a platform for neo-Nazis to commit hate crimes in Britain, the Meyerside Jewish Representative Council noted in a petition to Chief Constable Sir Jon Murphy QPM of Meyerside Police.   more