Thursday, April 9, 2015

Belgium: Respectable columnist calls to kill all Jews in Israel

Update: The screenshot is from 2009.  Abou Jahjah says it's fabricated (he's lying).  He also tweeted: "Nevertheless, I AM indeed anti-Zionist, anti-racist, and YES I support resistance against Israeli occupation of Palestine. #FreePalestine"

Dyab Abou Jahjah - Hezbollah member

Dyab Abou Jahjah founded the Arab European League, and led riots against Jewish neighborhoods.  He also claimed the Mossad was after him, and threatened that this will lead to importing the Middle-East conflict to Belgium  (ie, to Muslims killing Jews).

He later joined the Hezbollah in order to kill Israelis.  Today he's a noted Belgian columnist for De Standaard and a respected politician.

In a recent post on Facebook, he opined that all Jews in Israel should be killed off.


"Palestine is our land and we will take it back, it doesn't matter who did what there."

Abou Jahjah is not Palestinian.  When he says "our land", he means "Muslim" or "Arab".

"If you are on Palestinian ground you are an invader and the resistance should deal with you.  And Palestinian ground is the whole of historical Palestine.  And spare me the lamentation about being a refugee cos once again I couldn't care less.  I have only one phrase to all the Zionist invaders in Palestine: la valise ou le cercueil."

"la valise ou le cercueil" (the suitcase or the coffin) was the phrase used against the French colonialists in Algeria.  And against the local Jews, who were forced to flee the country where they have lived for hundreds of years, because the local Muslims saw them as 'invading foreigners'.

This isn't the first time Abou Jahjah expresses such opinions.  But in Belgium, it's quite acceptable to say you want to kill Jews Zionists and Israelis.  They like Jew-killers so much over there, you'll even get your very own weekly column!