Jews Down Under and First One Through:

Ad by FOA calling for Boycott of
products from “Israel, West Bank
(Settlements) & Jordan Valley”
products from “Israel, West Bank
(Settlements) & Jordan Valley”
The European Union distinction of strictly labelling products to exclude Israeli territory is unique for Israel. The EU makes no distinctions for countries where it does not challenge the legal authority (like the US with American Samoa), AND for other countries where it disagrees with the claim on disputed land. Some examples:
- In 1974, Turkey illegally seized one-third of the Cyprus and declared the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, an entity which is not recognized by any country in the world other than Turkey. Yet the EU avoids heated discussions with Turkey over the labelling of products from TRNC such as its famous halloumi cheese.
- When it comes to China, the EU trips over itself to facilitate trade. As stated on the EU website on trade: “China is the EU’s biggest source of imports by far, and has also become one of the EU’s fastest growing export markets. The EU has also become China’s biggest source of imports. China and Europe now trade well over €1 billion a day.” Trade includes items made in Tibet, and the EU has not addressed any specific “Made in Tibet” labelling. This is despite China occupying Tibet and transferring 7.5 million Chinese into the territory, counter to the Fourth Geneva Convention.
- India has a long running dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir. The EU stated that it is “committed to further increase their trade flows in both goods and services as well as bilateral investment and access to public procurement through the Free Trade Agreement negotiations that were launched in 2007.” No specific labelling program has been discussed for items coming from Kashmir.
- It makes no labelling distinction for other disputed territories such as Tibet and Kashmir to assist consumers
- It does not dispute the tariff system that countries use for its territories like the United States with American Samoa
- The EU ignores the Oslo II agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority which specifically segment the Israeli settlements in Area C as Israeli territory
- It ignores its own trade agreement with Israel
Double standards and unique critical attention for Israel is considered anti-Semitism, even by US President Barack Obama who said
“[if] you acknowledge the active presence of anti-Semitism—that
it’s not just something in the past, but it is current—if you
acknowledge that there are people and nations that, if convenient, would
do the Jewish people harm because of a warped ideology… you should be
able to align yourself with Israel when it comes to making sure that it
is not held to a double standard in international fora, you should align yourself with Israel when it comes to making sure that it is not isolated.”
It would appear that many Europeans would choose to wear the “Anti-Semitism” label with honor.
Read the full article.