Honest Reporting:
The BBC and its translators leave me at a loss for words.
A documentary, Children of the Gaza War (part one aired last night), came under criticism because reporter Lyse Doucet and the Beeb’s translators made a poor judgement call. Whenever Palestinian kids used the word Arabic word, Yahud (which means Jew), the translators translated it as “Israeli.”
The Jewish Chronicle explains:
The BBC’s chief international correspondent said that Gazan translators had advised her that Palestinian children interviewed on the programme who refer to “the Jews” actually meant Israelis.It wasn’t a better translation. In Arabic, Yahudi means a Jew (plural is Yahud). Yisraili means an Israeli (plural is Yisraileen). Full stop. Several problems came into play here.
In one instance, a Gazan child says the “yahud” are massacring Palestinians. However the subtitles read: “Israel is massacring us”.
Canada-born Ms Doucet said: “We talked to people in Gaza, we talked to translators. When [the children] say ‘Jews’, they mean ‘Israelis’.
“We felt it was a better translation of it.”
Which brings me to one last question I’ll ask in plain English: Did Doucet’s translators take other liberties we should know about?
Read the full article.